Why the move from Fashion Blogger to Designer

Over ten years in this ever-evolving industry, it was now that Rebecca and I felt it was time to start a new journey. Time to re-ignite our business brains and step into the unknown, to embrace the risks and challenges involves, and to ultimately birth something significant that would have a long-lasting impact on those around us.
It wasn't that Twice Blessed was failing, or that we were unhappy with all that 'Blogging' and being a Content Creator has brought us. Every year that passed, we were increasingly aware that our hearts desired to be a greater impact to those around us. To truely influence the hearts and minds of our audience in a way that wasn't limited to brand ambassadorships or sponsored posts. To stand alone as influential women and to pursue passions of our heart; to impact women globally.
There was more we could do to shape this industry, one that is traditionally a dark and self-centred one. An industry which looks glossy and fabulous on the outside, but truely can be a harsh, cruel and prideful reflection of the world around us.
Our hope, not only as Bec and Marissa from Twice Blessed, but now through MAJ'R is to be a beacon of hope. To carry Joy through everything that we do, and to pass that onto our followers and our customers.
Taking this step definitely wasn't an easy decision, as both Bec and my fear of failure tried to hold us back several times. And in reality, is the reason why MA-JR didn't start any earlier than is has now. However, having a strong belief in Gods perfect timing, with all our fear and anxiety - we kept pushing forward. Knowing that each day had enough worries of it's own, so to just focus on each day as it comes and the rest will follow.
Starting MA-JR wasn't just a fleeting thought that we felt we could leverage off our 'influential' status at Twice Blessed - it was, and is something that we want to be our legacy. To create a long-standing Luxury Womenswear brand that not only impacts those around us, but also allows both Bec and I to go into this next stage of our lives as Mothers with confidence that we can build something worthwhile, that is one hundred percent our own to shape and mould.
In saying that, one of the biggest advantages and comforts of starting MA-JR is that we know we have a beautiful community of women who have followed and supported us at Twice Blessed, who are exceptionally eager to support us in this next journey of MA-JR. It is such a humbling experience to see our visions of MA-JR come to life, and to finally see our community find and wear pieces that they will feel amazing in.
Now as designers, we're also able to use our platforms to promote causes that we are really passionate about. As you will come to see over the next few months on MA-JR, our heart really is for people; especially those who are unable to help themselves, through their circumstances or situations. Our heart is every purchase is with purpose! That every sale from MA-JR is able to tangibly impact those locally and globally through the physical garment itself, or through financial aid.
We're excited to see where this journey takes us, and we thank-you all for your support thus far and for years to come!
- Bec and Marissa Karagiorgos